
14 December 2022 LAA visit

Last week our Chief Executive, Scott Baldwin, and the Senior Fees Clerk from 1GC Family Law, Chris Ferrison, attended the Legal Aid Agency offices in South Tyneside to meet with the High Cost Family team.

Over the course of two days they met with the entire HCF team as well as members of the Finance, Customer Services, and Relationship Management teams. The purpose of the visit was to look at ways to improve communications and processes around High Cost Family cases for the benefit of all concerned.

The event was engaging for all involved and there have been some useful outcomes from the various sessions. Plans are already in place to arrange another visit in the New Year to continue this ongoing collaborative approach to improvement.

Scott and Chris are working on some best practice guidance on High Cost Family cases which will be made available to barristers through the FLBA and the Bar Council, and to clerks through the The Institute of Barristers'​ Clerks.

Scott and Chris would like to thank the LAA for the invitation and their hospitality.

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